I develop chat application using azure communication service chat. For that I follow https://github.com/Azure-Samples/communication-services-web-chat-hero this example and its work. Now I am try to send attachment in this chat but I am not able to find any salutation.
Is it possible to add attachment?
Currently attaching files to chat messages is not natively supported by the Azure Communication Services JavaScript Chat SDK.
I would recommend filing a feature request here for built-in support: https://github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-js/issues/new?assignees=&labels=&template=feature_request.md
Conceptually this is totally possible however, if we take the example of embedding a video inside a chat message:
Take a look at this video: {{video src=VIDEO_SRC}}
.{{video src=VIDEO_SRC}}
). If one is found, the message would need to be specially constructed to support a video. In this case the message html may end up something like:
Take a look at this video:
<video src=VIDEO_SRC />
NOTE: This is just one, trivial implementation of how it could be possible to implement attachments in a chat message. This does not take into account security concerns with allowing attachments to chat messages and validation should be performed on message content before being placed into a chat message.