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Discord.JS, How to use one discord button to allow the purchase of various server roles

Sorry for the poorly worded title, I'll try to explain as best as I can. I am creating a role shop command using the new discord-buttons module, and came across a problem, to my understanding I would have to create a button for each individual role, in order for someone to buy it. After searching through documentation, I'm still a bit stumped. Here's some example code I put together to show what I'm trying to do:

let embedRed = new Discord.MessageEmbed()
        .setTitle('Red Role')
        .addField('**Price**', '10,000', true)
        .addField('**Color Hex:**', '#ffffff',true)

 let embedBlue = new Discord.MessageEmbed() 
          .addField('**Price**', '10,000', true)
          .addField('**Color Hex:**', '#ffffff',true)

let buttonBuyRed = new MessageButton()
.setLabel('Buy Red Role')

let buttonBuyBlue = new MessageButton()
.setLabel('Buy Blue Role')

//embeded messages being sent{ buttons: [buttonBuyRed], embed: embedRed});{ buttons: [buttonBuyRed], embed: embedBlue});

//What happens if buttons are pressed
client.on('clickButton', async (role_buy1) => {
  if ( === 'roley_buy1') {`${button.clicker.user.tag} bought red role`);
db.push(, `${message.guild.roles.cache.get('role id here')}`) //role being pushed to user's inventory

client.on('clickButton', async (role_buy2) => {
  if ( === 'role_buy2') {`${button.clicker.user.tag} bought blue role`);
db.push(, `${message.guild.roles.cache.get('role id here')}`) //role being pushed to user's inventory

Since I have about 25 different roles that I want users to be able to purchase, it's quite a hassle to create a button for each role, I am looking for a way to just use one single "buy_role" button that works for all available roles.

If I didn't explain something clearly, please let me know, any help is appreciated!


  • So i came to a conclusion, this code works, but if your guild has a lot of roles, it would throw an error "Invalid form body"

            const rolesInGuild = message.guild.roles.cache.array(); //creating array from collection of roles in a guild
            const buttons = []; // an empty array for our buttons
            for (const role of rolesInGuild) { // creating a loop inorder to create a button for every roles in rolesInGuild Array
                const button = new MessageButton()
                    .setStyle('red') // default: blurple
                    .setLabel(`${}`) // default: NO_LABEL_PROVIDED
                buttons.push(button); // button id is the same as role id so its unique!
            await'test', { buttons: buttons }); // sending our buttons
            bot.on('clickButton', async(button) => {
                for (const btn of buttons) {
                    if (btn.custom_id == {
                        const role = button.guild.roles.cache.get(btn.custom_id);
                        const member = message.guild.members.cache.get(;

    enter image description here

    you could add specific roles to the array rolesInGuild in this format [{ name: 'rolename', id: 'roleid' }] instead of every roles in the guild ( I wasn't sure what your goal was)