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What is the/one correct approach to use a concatenated value in the setText() method of a button?

I try to use a concatenated value to set the text of a button, because int xp; is calculated at runtime. The only approach that works throws a warning and is maybe bad practice.

Do you have any idea about a better solution?

I´ve tried it in these ways:

1st approach:

public class selectionActivity extends AppCompatActivity implements View.OnClickListener, Serializable {

    private int xp = 2000;
    public int getXp(){
            return xp;

    public void onResume() {

    Button currentXp1 = findViewById(;

    currentXp1.setText(R.string.praefixXP + String.valueOf(getXp())); }


Compiles but assigns an int / numeric value to the Button.

2nd approach:

public class selectionActivity extends AppCompatActivity implements View.OnClickListener, Serializable {

    private int xp = 2000;
    public int getXp(){
            return xp;

    public void onResume() {

    Button currentXp1 = findViewById(;

    currentXp1.setText(R.string.praefixXP + (getXp()));}


Throws a Resources$NotFoundException.

3rd approach:

public class selectionActivity extends AppCompatActivity implements View.OnClickListener, Serializable {

    private int xp = 2000;
    public int getXp(){
            return xp;

    public void onResume() {

    Button currentXp1 = findViewById(;

    currentXp1.setText("XP: " + (getXp())); }


Works, but needs a annotation:


4th approach:

public class selectionActivity extends AppCompatActivity implements View.OnClickListener, Serializable {

private int xp = 2000;
public int getXp(){
        return xp;

public void onResume() {

Button currentXp1 = findViewById(;

currentXp1.setText(getResources().getIdentifier("praefixXP", "string", getPackageName()) + getXp());}


Throws a Resources$NotFoundException.



    <string name="praefixXP">XP: </string>



  • You need to use


    To get string value from the String resource file we need to use getResources().getString(STRING_ID) and in this case, I'm just concatenating the result of getXp() with the value of the string.

    Feel free to ask if something is unclear