I'd like to build a project with CSS modules + SASS. I'd like to have some global styles (mixins, variables, functions etc), that will be available in every component.module.scss. For that I need to import my global styles to every single module style file. As I expect to have a lot of components, I was looking for options to do this automatically. I've found sass-resourcess-loader ,might help with that.
However, as I don't have any experiencies with Webpack, I have troubles to setting it up.
What I did so far:
{ test: /.scss$/, use: [ { loader: "style-loader", }, { loader: "css-loader", }, { loader: "sass-loader", }, { loader: "sass-resources-loader", } ], }
Sorry I cannot get that code snippet styled properly somehow. Also I've tried options field:
options: {
resources: "./src/global.scss"
But nothing works, I still get undefined variable in my modular scss file.
What am I doing wrong? Or is there another way to resolve this problem?
Okay so I've find solution with CRACO (Create React App Configuration Override).
1) I've uninstalled sass-reasources-loader as is not needed anymore and reverted the changes in webpack.config.js
2) Installed CRACO and craco-sass-resources-loader
3) Created craco.config.js file inside root directory of my project and added this:
const sassResourcesLoader = require("craco-sass-resources-loader");
module.exports = {
mode: "development",
output: {
path: __dirname,
plugins: [
plugin: sassResourcesLoader,
options: {
resources: "./src/global.scss",
4) In package.json I've changed the scripts to:
"start": "craco start",
"build": "craco build",
Now everything works. If you need more info, click on the links provided in step 2.