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How to disable ^M line endings in VS Code?

VS Code has decided to start adding ^M characters to the end of any line I edit.
They're not visible in the editor but git diff picks them up.

Weird line endings.

It wasn't doing this before, so I'm guessing I accidentally bumped some keyboard shortcut.

Does anyone know how to turn this off and have it just use regular line endings?


  • That's caused by the different standards used in line endings (LineFeed or LF in Linux and CarriageReturn + LineFeed or CRLF in Windows).

    You can set the encoding you want by either of the following ways:

    • Click the LF or CRLF button on the status bar (near the bottom right corner), then select LF or CRLF.

      enter image description here

    • Go to the command palette (SHIFT+CTRL+p) and type "end of line" (that's the mnemonic I use) until you find the command Change End of Line Sequence.