I tried returning the response from Rundeck import endpoint in JSON but no of the mentioned content-type(application/json) worked out for me.
Please let me know where I am making issues with current curl command:
curl -kSsv --header "X-Rundeck-Auth-Token:$RUNDECK_JOB_IMPORT_TOKEN" -F xmlBatch=@"$rdeck_yaml_file" "$RUNDECK_HOST:4443/api/33/project/$RUNDECK_PROJECT_NAME/jobs/import?dupeOption=update&fileformat=yaml"
I got the following response, I know what is the error I have.
It is really hard for me to catch this kind of exception on my CI/CD pipeline, I am thinking if I will get JSON response instead of XML that would be easily parsed and the automated pipeline will fail as any error occurs.
<result success='true' apiversion='33'>
<succeeded count='1'>
<job index='3' href='https:/RUNDECK_HOST/:4443/api/33/job/8b357ba5-14df-4e20-bb6c-c6ea089ecf70'>
<failed count='2'>
<job index='1'>
<error>Workflow must have at least one step
Invalid Option definition: flag: Workflow must have at least one step
Validation errors: Workflow must have at least one step; Invalid Option definition: flag: Workflow must have at least one step</error>
<job index='2'>
<error>Workflow must have at least one step
Validation errors: Workflow must have at least one step</error>
<skipped count='0' />
Let me know where I need to improve on.
Works in this way (my script is a little bit different but works as an example):
# protocol
# basic rundeck info
# specific api call info
# api call
curl -s --location --request POST "$protocol://$rdeck_host:$rdeck_port/api/$rdeck_api/project/$rdeck_project/jobs/import?dupeOption=update&fileformat=yaml" \
--header "Accept: application/json" \
--header "X-Rundeck-Auth-Token: $rdeck_token" \
-F xmlBatch=@"$rdeck_yaml_file"
Output (using jq to "beautify"):
"succeeded": [
"index": 1,
"href": "http://pop-os:4440/api/38/job/0aeaa0f4-d090-4083-b0a5-2878c5f558d1",
"id": "0aeaa0f4-d090-4083-b0a5-2878c5f558d1",
"name": "ChildJob",
"group": "",
"project": "ProjectEXAMPLE",
"permalink": "http://pop-os:4440/project/ProjectEXAMPLE/job/show/0aeaa0f4-d090-4083-b0a5-2878c5f558d1"
"failed": [],
"skipped": []