I try to create a GraphQL endpoint, where I can upload a file.
In my resolver I get as arguments context and data with a custom type
import { ReturnType, InputType } from '@pkg/schemas'
import { Context } from '@pkg/types'
import { GraphQLUpload } from 'graphql-upload'
@Mutation(() => ReturnType)
@Ctx() ctx: Context,
@Arg('data', () => GraphQLUpload, { description: 'File Upload' }) data: InputType,
): Promise<ReturnType> {
return functionWithMagic({ ctx, data })
My input type looks like:
import { FileUpload } from 'graphql-upload'
@InputType({ description: 'Upload data input' })
export class InputType {
nullable: true,
description: 'File upload',
file: FileUpload
But when I try to run my code I get an error message:
Error: Unable to infer GraphQL type from TypeScript reflection system. You need to provide explicit type for 'file' of 'InputType' class.
To fix this issue I changed following
@Mutation(() => ReturnType)
@Ctx() ctx: Context,
@Arg('data', { description: 'File Upload' }) data: InputType,
): Promise<ReturnType> {
return functionWithMagic({ ctx, data })
and in my ReturnType I added
import { FileUpload, GraphQLUpload } from 'graphql-upload'
@InputType({ description: 'Upload data input' })
export class InputType {
@Field(() => GraphQLUpload)
file: FileUpload