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Modifying SIR model to include stochasticity

I am trying to establish a method of estimating infectious disease parameters by comparing real epidemic curves with simulations of a stochastic SIR model. To construct the stochastic SIR model, I am using the deSolve package and instead of using fixed parameter values I would like to draw the parameter value used in the equations at each time point from a Poisson distribution centered on the original parameter values.

Using the parameter beta as an example, beta represents the average number of transmission events per capita and is the product of the average number of contacts and the probability that transmission occurs upon contact. Realistically, there is variation in the number of contacts a person will have and since transmission is also a probabilistic event there is variation surrounding this too. So even if the average transmission rate were to be 2.4 (for example), an individual can go on to infect 0, 1, 2 or 3 ... etc. people with varying probabilities.

I have tried to incorporate this into my code below using the rpois function and reassigning the parameters used in the equations to the outputs of the rpois.

I have run my code with the same initial values and parameters multiple times and all the curves are different indicating that SOMETHING "stochastic" is going on, but I am unsure whether the code is sampling using the rpois at each time point or just once at the beginning. I have only started coding very recently so do not have much experience.

I would be grateful if anyone more experienced than myself could verify what my code is ACTUALLY doing and whether it is sampling using rpois at each time point or not. If not I would be grateful for any suggestions for achieving this. Perhaps a loop is needed?


 initial_state_values <- c(S = 10000,
                      I = 1,
                      R = 0)

  parameters <- c(beta = 2.4,
            gamma = 0.1)

  beta_p <- rpois(1, parameters[1])

  infectious_period_p <- rpois(1, 1/(parameters[2]))
  gamma_p <- 1/infectious_period_p

  times <- seq(from = 0, to = 50,by = 1)

  sir_model <- function(time, state, parameters) {
  with(as.list(c(state, parameters)), {
  N <- S + I + R   
  lambda <- beta_p * I/N 
  dS <- -lambda * S
  dI <- lambda*S - gamma_p*I
 dR <- gamma_p*I

return(list(c(dS, dI, dR)))

 output<- initial_state_values,
                       times = times,
                       func = sir_model,
                       parms = parameters))


  • The code given in the question runs the model with constant parameters over time. Here an example with parameters varying over time. However, this setting assumes that for a given time step, the parameters are equal for all indidividuals of the population. If you want to have individual variability, one can either use a matrix formulation for different sub-populations or use an individual model instead.

    Model with fluctuating population parameters:

    initial_state_values <- c(S = 10000,
                              I = 1,
                              R = 0)
    parameters <- c(beta = 2.4, gamma = 0.1)
    times <- seq(from = 0, to = 50, by = 1) # note time step = 1!
    # +1 to add one for time = zero
    beta_p <- rpois(max(times) + 1, parameters[1])
    infectious_period_p <- rpois(max(times) + 1, 1/(parameters[2]))
    gamma_p <- 1/infectious_period_p
    sir_model <- function(time, state, parameters) {
      # cat(time, "\n") # show time steps for debugging
      with(as.list(c(state, parameters)), {
        # this overwrites the parms passed via parameters
        beta  <- beta_p[floor(time)  + 1]
        gamma <- gamma_p[floor(time) + 1]
        N <- S + I + R   
        lambda <- beta * I/N 
        dS <- -lambda * S
        dI <- lambda * S - gamma * I
        dR <- gamma * I
        list(c(dS, dI, dR))
    output <- ode(y = initial_state_values,
                  times = times,
                  func = sir_model,
                  parms = parameters)