Hi Im developing a system wherein we integrate google classroom. So Im using the classroom API when turning in student submission. I got an error that says permission denied. I read from other article too that it got permission denied when coursework/assignment itself is not created using the Google Script or using the Classroom API. So i created another coursework/assignment within that system using the classroom api. i tried the function modifyAttachment, it works well but when i used the turnIn function permission denied. Im using laravel framework.
My code:
$appName = 'PROGRAMA';
$client = new Google_Client();
// // this is needed only if you need to perform
// // domain-wide admin actions, and this must be
// // an admin account on the domain; it is not
// // necessary in your example but provided for others
$client->setSubject('[email protected]');
$service = new Google_Service_Classroom($client);
$driveservice = new Google_Service_Drive($client);
$driveID = $service->courses_courseWork_studentSubmissions->listCoursesCourseWorkStudentSubmissions(session('courseInfo')['courseID'],
session('courseInfo')['courseWorkID'], $optParams = array("userId" => session('courseInfo')['userID']));
$file = new Google_Service_Drive_DriveFile();
$file->setName(session('courseInfo')['StudentName'] . '-' . session('courseInfo')['AssignmentTitle']);
$assignWork = $request->file('courseAssignment');
$filename = session('courseInfo')['StudentName'] . '-' .$assignWork->getClientOriginalName();
$path = storage_path(). 'CourseWork/' . session('courseInfo')['AssignmentTitle'];
$fileAssignment = $request->file('courseAssignment')->storeAs('public',$filename);
$contents = Storage::disk('public')->path($filename);
foreach($driveID as $row)
if($row->state == "CREATED")
$FileID = $row->assignmentSubmission['attachments'][0]['driveFile']["id"];
$result = $driveservice->files->create(
'data' => file_get_contents($contents),
'mimeType' => 'application/octet-stream',
'uploadType' => 'multipart '
$FileID = $result->id;
$modifyParams = array(
"addAttachments" => array(
"driveFile" => array(
"id" => $FileID
$data['modify'] = $service->courses_courseWork_studentSubmissions->modifyAttachments(session('courseInfo')['courseID'],
session('courseInfo')['courseWorkID'], session('courseInfo')['submissionID'], new Google_Service_Classroom_ModifyAttachmentsRequest($modifyParams));
$data['turnIn'] = $service->courses_courseWork_studentSubmissions->turnIn(session('courseInfo')['courseID'], session('courseInfo')['courseWorkID'],
session('courseInfo')['submissionID'], new Google_Service_Classroom_TurnInStudentSubmissionRequest());
We solved the problem. My error was I was using the service account in executing the turnIn function that it should be the student that owns the submission. So we reauthenticate it for student and use that account in executing the turnIn function.
Thank you so much for those who helped.