I seem to break the reactivity of my objects, and the v-if's don't work. My array is an array of Parse Objects, which require me to use .get()
to get the values, which is working on initial load on title, description, etc. After I loaded the data, I check everything and update some values with the .set()
, but they don't update the view until I hard refresh the whole Nativescript view, which is of course not a proper solution.
<ListView for="(item, index) in challenges" @itemTap="onItemTap(item)">
<GridLayout rows="auto" columns="*" >
<Button v-if="item.get('joined')" text="0%" row="0" horizontalAlignment="right" class="challenge-button" @tap="onButtonTap()" />
<Button v-else text="Meedoen" row="0" horizontalAlignment="right" class="challenge-button" @tap="joinChallengeButton(item, index)" />
export default class Challenges extends Vue {
challenges: Parse.Object[] = []
async joinChallengeButton(item, index) {
item.set("joined", true)
Parse Object
"title": "title x",
"description": "description x",
"createdAt": "2021-05-29T11:32:25.991Z",
"updatedAt": "2021-05-29T12:32:33.133Z",
"startDate": {
"__type": "Date",
"iso": "2021-05-19T11:32:00.000Z"
"endDate": {
"__type": "Date",
"iso": "2021-06-19T11:32:00.000Z"
"image": {
"__type": "File",
"name": "d8684be38017585079cfdb4380b4d9d4_sleep.jpeg",
"url": "xxxxx.com"
"joined": true,
"objectId": "AUJ4Y7XNcp"
Update 1: If I update the array the Vue way, it breaks the nativescript view and refreshed and only showing that item, instead of the full list.
this.$set(this.challenges, index, item)
If found the answer. The object was updating with the vue method this.$set(this.challenges, index, item)
, but the listview was not showing the correct height after. So all the new objects were hidden rows.