I want to turn on the DPI resizing of from the Install Shield such that the font size will be independent to the resolution of the screen. I don't want to ask each customer to change their setting as that would not be practical as well as a bad customer service. So I would like to set up the installer such that when installing I wont have to worry about the setting and set the setting as default when the software is installed.
You use feature "DPI-Awareness in the Wizard Interface".
Reference document: https://docs.revenera.com/installshield26helplib/helplibrary/SteUIDPI.htm
Some configuration related to DPI:
Check DPI on client machine: DLG_INFO_CHECKSELECTION: https://docs.revenera.com/installshield26helplib/LangRef/LangrefDLGINFOCHECKSELECTION.htm?Highlight=dpi
Background About the Default Images on Dialogs in InstallScript and InstallScript MSI Projects: https://docs.revenera.com/installshield26helplib/helplibrary/ISDefaultDialogImg.htm?Highlight=dpi
Default Visual Asset Settings: https://docs.revenera.com/installshield26helplib/helplibrary/DefaultVisualAssetSettings.htm?Highlight=dpi
: https://docs.revenera.com/installshield26helplib/LangRef/LangrefSdOptionsButtons.htm?Highlight=dpi
and other: https://docs.revenera.com/installshield26helplib/Search.htm?q=dpi