I have a web view and a TextField. I want to trigger web view reload when textField triggers the onGo action or its value change.
Below is mutable string:
var urlValue: MutableState<String> = mutableStateOf(DefaultUrl)
the textField looks like this
var textFieldValue by remember { mutableStateOf(DefaultUrl) }
val textStyle = androidx.compose.ui.text.TextStyle(
fontSize = ToolbarUrlFontSize.sp
value = textFieldValue,
onValueChange = { text ->
textFieldValue = text
keyboardOptions = KeyboardOptions(imeAction = ImeAction.Go),
keyboardActions = KeyboardActions(
onGo = {
urlValue.value = textFieldValue
) { innerTextField ->
And below is the code for web view:
AndroidView({ context ->
WebView(context).apply {
if(urlValue.value.isNotEmpty()) {
Log.i("TAG", "MainComposable: ${urlValue.value}")
webViewClient = object : WebViewClient() {
override fun shouldOverrideUrlLoading(
view: WebView,
url: String
): Boolean {
return false
But the web view doesn't reload the new URL. How can I do the new URL load on the go action trigger?
Check the below code to render in WebView:
fun WebPageScreen(urlToRender: String) {
AndroidView(factory = {
WebView(it).apply {
webViewClient = object : WebViewClient() {
override fun shouldOverrideUrlLoading(
view: WebView?,
request: WebResourceRequest?
): Boolean {
return false
}, update = {
composable function's update
block is invoked after the layout is inflated.