I wanted to draw rSquared best fit line in scatter plot of actual and predicted values , where I was given the rsquare value , I first thought of to use ag grid chart , but could not find a way , so thinking of using any of the js chart package (d3.js , chart.js , highcharts.js) is it possible to draw this rsquare line in scatter plot . for reference I added data in this plunkr , but used ag grid chart but could not find any way to do that .
rsquared: number = 0.987;
plunkr code https://plnkr.co/edit/rhQfOrHRQGwD7TrZ?preview
Here you can find 2 articles that may help you on how to do it in Highcharts: https://www.highcharts.com/blog/tutorials/data-science-and-highcharts-linear-regression/ https://www.highcharts.com/blog/tutorials/calculating-and-drawing-a-linear-regression-using-highcharts/
function (data) {
function regression(arrWeight, arrHeight) {
let r, sy, sx, b, a, meanX, meanY;
r = jStat.corrcoeff(arrHeight, arrWeight);
sy = jStat.stdev(arrWeight);
sx = jStat.stdev(arrHeight);
meanY = jStat(arrWeight).mean();
meanX = jStat(arrHeight).mean();
b = r * (sy / sx);
a = meanY - meanX * b;
//Set up a line
let y1, y2, x1, x2;
x1 = jStat.min(arrHeight);
x2 = jStat.max(arrHeight);
y1 = a + b * x1;
y2 = a + b * x2;
return {
line: [
[x1, y1],
[x2, y2]