I am new to this swagger and i created a small demo project in node-js to see how swagger will really works. I created 5 api's which 4 are working perfectly and when it comes to PUT api I am getting error ,but when i tried in postman it is working. Please look at the code below.
export let updateUser = async(req: Request, resp: Response) => {
const use = await User.findById(req.params.id);
use.name = req.body.name;
// use.email = req.body.email;
const a1 = await use.save();
resp.json("successfully updated");
} catch(err) {
this is the api which is calling above method in app.ts
This is the the swagger json of put API
"/user/update/{id}": {
"put": {
"tags": [
"summary": "Update-user",
"description": "To updatre the particular user",
"operationId": "updateUser",
"consumes": ["application/json"],
"description":"enter the id of the user",
"description":"Enter the update value",
"$schema": {
"type": "#/definations/User"
"responses": {
"400": {
"description": "Invalid user supplied"
"404": {
"description": "User not found"
If you paste your API definition into https://editor.swagger.io, it will flag 2 syntax errors in the PUT operation. Make sure to fix these errors before testing your API.
In the parameter definition, change "name":"Id"
to "name":"id"
(lowercase id
) to match the parameter letter case in the path template.
In the body parameter, change $schema
to schema