I am trying to follow simple example in rioxarray documentation to export a dataset to a raster file in DBFS.
Install the library:
%pip install rioxarray
Run example code from the docs (input dataset can be found here):
import rioxarray
rds = rioxarray.open_rasterio("/dbfs/FileStore/tables/PLANET_SCOPE_3D.nc", decode_times=False)
However, when I list the files in the directory (dbutils.fs.ls("dbfs:/FileStore/tables")
) the file planet_scope.tif
is not present.
How can I export dataset to raster file in DBFS?
I suspect that this is caused by the limitations of the DBFS local file API, although the library doesn't throw the exception - just simply don't create a file.
The solution would be to output raster to the local disk, and copy file into the DBFS using dbutils.fs.cp
import rioxarray
rds = rioxarray.open_rasterio("/dbfs/FileStore/tables/PLANET_SCOPE_3D.nc", decode_times=False)
dbutils.fs.cp("file:/tmp/planet_scope.tif", "/FileStore/tables/planet_scope.tif", True)