Not understanding why the Mock function is not showing the tohaveBeenCalled when i am trying to mock in below fashion
//my App.js
import useAuth from "./src/hooks/useAuth";
import useBrunch from "./src/hooks/useBrunch";
import { someFunct } from "./functional";
export default function App() {
const { funct } = useBrunch();
return (
<Max funct={funct} />
function Max() {
const LoginSchema = object().shape({
emailId: string(),
password: string(),
const { funct } = useBrunch();
// const { funct, sas } = useBrunch();
// const [flag, setFlag] = React.useState(false);
//const { someFunct } = useAuth();
return (
initialValues={{ emailId: "" }}
onSubmit={(a, v) => {
{({ handleSubmit, handleBlur, values, dirty, touched, errors }) => {
return (
<View style={styles.container}>
<Text>Open up App.js to start working on your app!</Text>
<StatusBar testID="someId" style="auto" />
<CheckBox />
<Text testID="hello">SOmething</Text>
<Button testID="something" title="someddd" onPress={() => {}} />
export { Max };
//My hooks/useBrunch.js method
const useBrunch = () => {
const funct = (a) => {
console.log("funct executed");
return { funct };
export default useBrunch;
//My App.test.js file
import React from "react";
import { render, act, waitFor, fireEvent } from "@testing-library/react-native";
import useBrunch from "./src/hooks/useBrunch";
import { Max } from "./App";
jest.mock("./src/hooks/useBrunch", () =>
jest.fn(() => ({
funct: jest.fn((a) => {
console.log(a, "called");
return a;
describe("Login something", () => {
it("first clss", async () => {
let { getByTestId, toJSON } = render(<Max />);
const something = getByTestId("masa");
await waitFor(() => {;
Expected- on simulation button bres the expected output should have a success i have console inside mock function getting called and also shows paramter, but cannot register that under toHaveBeenCalled() or similiar jest methods
Can anybody helpout here please?!
Try giving something like this:
const mockFunct = jest.fn((a) => {
console.log(a, "called");
return a;
jest.mock("./src/hooks/useBrunch", () =>
jest.fn(() => ({
funct: mockFunct
and then