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How can I make semantic-release abort and fail if it would release a new major version?

I would like to add a check to semantic-release to only allow it to publish minor and patch releases. If it detects the need to perform a new major release, I want the process to be aborted and fail (instead of proceeding to perform the release). How can I do this?


  • Existing Plugin

    I have created an npm package for a plugin that does this.


    npm install --save-dev semantic-release-fail-on-major-bump


        "plugins": [

    Custom Plugin

    If the published package doesn't solve your specific needs, you can create a semantic-release plugin that implements the verifyRelease step and throws an error based on the next release type.


    function verifyRelease (pluginConfig, context) {
        if (context.nextRelease.type === "major") {
            throw new Error("We cannot publish breaking changes at this time.");
    module.exports = {verifyRelease};

    Learn how to make semantic-release plugins