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F# Define Types for Json with nested list

Follow up question to this question, to parse json to deedle dataframe.

My json includes some list with nested lists:

apiResponse = {"data":
                                          "ShipmentContent" : [
                                                             "MaterialId": "cac43a32-1f08-..",
                                                             "unit": "kg",
                                                             "quantity": 2.0, 
                                                             "labels" : ["A1", "A2", "A3"]
                                                             "MaterialId": "cac43333-1f08-",
                                                             "unit": "t",
                                                             "quantity": 0.4, 
                                                             "labels" : ["B1", "B2", "B3"]

My code so far:

type ApiTypes = 
    ItemId : Guid
    CompletedDate : Nullable<DateTime> 
        OrganizationId : Guid
        OrganizationName : string
    ShipmentContent : // ? How to define the List
        MaterialId : Guid 
        Quantity : Nullable<decimal> 
        Unit : string
        Labels: List // ?

How can I define these types? The next step would be:

let jsonObject = JObject.Parse(graphResponse)

let frame =
      |> (fun jtok -> jtok.ToObject<ApiTypes>())
      |> Frame.ofRecords

Can I define all in one type, or do I have to define a seperate type for ShipmentContents?

I realy apreciate your help!

Fiddle here (doesn't work, but for sharing the code)


  • This should work if you want to have it all in one type:

    type ApiTypes = 
        ItemId : Guid
        CompletedDate : Nullable<DateTime> 
            OrganizationId : Guid
            OrganizationName : string
        ShipmentContent :
            MaterialId : Guid 
            Quantity : Nullable<decimal> 
            Unit : string
            Labels: string[]

    Note that I've defined the lists as arrays, since arrays are the collection type supported by JSON.