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Scikit-learn - how to use single static validation set for CV object?

In Scikit-learn RandomSearchCV and GridSearchCV require the cross validation object for the cv argument, e.g. GroupKFold or any other CV splitter from sklearn.model_selection.

However, how can I use single, static validation set? I have very large training set, large validation set and I only need the interface of CV objects, not whole cross validation.

Specifically, I'm using Scikit-optimize and BayesSearchCV (docs) and it requires the CV object (same interface as regular Scikit-learn SearchCV objects). I want to use my chosen validation set with it, not whole CV.


  • The docs of the model selection objects of scikit-learn, e.g. GridSearchCV, are maybe a bit clearer how to achieve this:

    cv: int, cross-validation generator or an iterable, default=None

    • ...
    • An iterable yielding (train, test) splits as arrays of indices.

    So you need the arrays of indices for training and test samples as a tuple and then wrap them in an iterable, e.g. a list:

    train_indices = [...]  # indices for training
    test_indices = [...]  # indices for testing
    cv = [(train_indices, test_indices)]

    Pass this cv defined with a single tuple to the model selection object and it will always use the same samples for training and testing.