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How to add a callback to AVAssetReader copyNextSampleBuffer?

I am trying to read audio frames and decode them with AVAssetReader. I want to be able to read the frames asynchronously and add some kind of callback when a sample buffer was read. So after calling:

[reader startReading];
CMSampleBufferRef sample = [readerOutput copyNextSampleBuffer];

I want to be able to refer to and process this sample from my callback. Is that possible? If not, can you suggest how I can do it using maybe other classes from AVFoundation/Core Audio?


  • -(CMSampleBufferRef)[AVAssetReaderOutput copyNextSampleBuffer] is synchronous and I don't see any alternatives.

    You can give it an asynchronous interface by doing something like this:

    dispatch_async(myDecodingDispatchQueue, ^{
      CMSampleBufferRef sampleBuffer;
      while ((sampleBuffer = [readerOutput copyNextSampleBuffer])) {
        dispatch_async(myDispatchQueue, ^{
           [myCallbackObject myCallbackWithSampleBuffer:sampleBuffer];
      // examine AVAssetReader.status here to see reason for stopping