I have large txt file with multiple words and chars and I'm trying to read this file into a pandas dataframe, with each word or char in a different row.
The problem is that " is one of the chars, and the function reads all the words between two " as a single word (because of the quoting).
How can I address this char as another regular char and not as a quoting char? I tried to play with the parameters of the read_csv function but couldn't manage to fix it.
My code now: data = pd.read_csv(filepath, header=None, delimiter = "\t")
Thanks in advance!
you can use the parameter quotechar
data = pd.read_csv("a.txt", delim_whitespace=True, header=None,quotechar="~")
abc def xyz
"abc xyz" def
0 1 2
0 abc def xyz
1 "abc xyz" def
there are qoutes left this way.