The built-in update function to dictionaries can take either, tuples or dictionaries as arguments. I want to make a function around it that also can take both tuples and dictionaries.
parDict = {}
parDict['a'] = 1
parDict['b'] = 2
parDict['group1.a'] = 3
I can do both:
parDict.update(a=2, b=3)
Define a function
def par(**x):
I can do
par(a=2, b=3)
but I cannot do
par({'group1.a' : 4})
The error message is: par() takes 0 positional arguments but 1 was given
In my eyes {'group1.a' : 4} is a key-word argument (although 'group1.a' is not an identifier but a string. The same error text if I address the other parameter {'a': 4} which has an identifier.
If I in the function declaration change par(**x) to par(x) then I can do
par({'group1.a' : 4})
but not
par(a=2, b=3)
I can of course make an alias
par = parDict.update
This works for both types of arguments, but I want to do some more and really need a function here (to make some checks before update).
How should I improve the argument declaration, or the code, of par() to handle both types of arguments?
If i understand well, this would work for you:
def par(*args, **kwargs):
## Merge positional and keyword arguments
## Do checks and stuff on kwargs before update
# ....