I am trying to plot global storm tracks, but when the storms cross the dateline (and longitudes go from ~360 to ~0), the line loops all the way around the plotting space. Here's what the plot looks like. See the weird straight lines near the top. Here's my code:
ax = plt.axes(projection=ccrs.Robinson())
for i in range(nstorms-1): #loop through each TC
bidx = start_idx[i]
eidx = start_idx[i+1]
If I try changing the transform to Geodetic, it looks like this:
To plot polylines that cross the dateline, you need to sanitize the longitudes properly. For example, values 359 to 2 should be adjusted to 359 to 362. In the demo code below, sanitize_lonlist()
is used to sanitize a list of longitude values before using it to plot a red zigzag line.
import cartopy.crs as ccrs
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def sanitize_lonlist(lons):
new_list = []
oldval = 0
treshold = 10 # used to compare adjacent longitudes
for ix,ea in enumerate(lons):
diff = oldval - ea
if (ix>0):
if (diff>treshold):
ea = ea+360
oldval = ea
return new_list
ax = plt.axes(projection=ccrs.Robinson())
# sample long/lat data for demo purposes
# xdateline: list of longitudes that cross dateline several times
xdateline = [347,349,352,358,4,7,8,3,359,358,360,3,5,359,1,357,0,8,12,6,357,349]
# ydateline: list of accompanying latitudes
ydateline = range(len(xdateline))
# plot the line crossing dateline using `sanitized` values of longitudes
plt.plot(sanitize_lonlist(xdateline), ydateline, transform=ccrs.PlateCarree(), color='red')
Using the raw values of xdateline
to plot with the line of code:-
plt.plot(xdateline, ydateline, transform=ccrs.PlateCarree(), color='red')
the plot will be:-