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I am unable to get the psd range in R package psd to extend to a frequency of 1.5Hz

I have a timeseries for which I need PSD values using R. The data was sampled at non uniform intervals but I did a spline interpolation with the predict command to interpolate readings at exactly 0.01 seconds. I could obtain amplitude values from spec.pgram quite correctly but they are not psd values. However the psd values from the pspectrum command of the psd package are only between 0 and 0.5Hz while my area of interest extends to about 1.2Hz. The time series is: here


  • Note that your time points are not equidistant. For the sake of this answer, we'll assume a frequency of 12 samples per second.

    You have to specify the frequency for psd::pspectrum. Assuming your data is loaded as a data.frame called x:

    out <- pspectrum(x[, 2], x.frqsamp = 12)


    The pspectrum function also has a more detailed plot:

    out <- pspectrum(x[, 2], x.frqsamp = 12, plot = TRUE)

    enter image description here


    You can also use stats::spectrum, but it will require you to create a ts object:

    our_ts <- ts(data = x[, 2], 
                 start = 0, 
                 frequency = 12)

    enter image description here

    EDIT: Given new dataset (freq = 100)

    x <- read.csv("test2.csv", header = F)
    out <- pspectrum(x[, 2], x.frqsamp = 100)
    # [1] 0.265708
    our_ts <- ts(data = x[, 2], start = 4, frequency = 100)
    out2 <- stats::spectrum(our_ts)
    # [1] 0.2777778