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Cloudflare serving different pages to different ip lists under same domain

Here's what I'm trying to do

I want a maintenance page up on, but I want to still serve my app to our internal organization

The way I'm able to achieve serving to my organization is through zone lock down, but I am unsure how to approach the outside world since they don't get anything


  • Take a look at this. I'm using this to achieve the exact same thing you mentioned. I've also provided some extras options for anyone else who might need them.

    addEventListener('fetch', event => {
    // IPs allowed to bypass the maintenance page
    const white_list = [
        '',   // MyIP1
        '',   // MyIP2
        ''    // MyIP3
    // Custom IP for flexibility of having a custom response
    // E.g. using automation to verify that the page is always under maintenance 
    // Obviously it applies only if you're have scheduled maintenance. In your case, you can safely ignore this.
    const custom_whitelist = "" // MyCustomIP
    async function handleRequest(request) {
        //return fetch(request)     //Uncomment this and comment below to allow everyone to access (to disable the maintenance page)
        return maintenance(request) 
    async function maintenance(request) {
        let modifiedHeaders = new Headers()
        modifiedHeaders.set('Content-Type', 'text/html')
        modifiedHeaders.append('Pragma', 'no-cache')
        //Check requester IP and compare with whitelist, allow access if match.
        if (white_list.indexOf(request.headers.get("cf-connecting-ip")) > -1) {
            return fetch(request)
        //Else, return maintenance page if IP is not whitelisted
        else {
            var current_ip = ""
            current_ip = request.headers.get("cf-connecting-ip")
            // Customise headers or other response properties for a custom IP. 
            // E.g. if using a powershell script to check if 100+ domains are properly set to maintenance, 
            // you would want the status to remain 200 instead of 503, which would result in a false negative.
            // Can be removed if not needed.
            if (current_ip == custom_whitelist){
                return new Response(maintenanceContent, {
                headers: modifiedHeaders
            else {
                // Return modified response. HTTP Code 503 is used for maintenance pages.
                return new Response(maintenanceContent, {
                    status: 503,
                    headers: modifiedHeaders
    // Place your maintenance page content in HTML below.
    let maintenanceContent = `
    <!doctype html>
    <html lang="en">