I'm using Python and PIL.
I have images in RGB and I would like to know those who contain only one color (say #FF0000 for example) or a few very close colors (#FF0000 and #FF0001).
I was thinking about using the histogram but it is very hard to figure out something with the 3 color bands, so I'm looking for a more clever algorithm.
Any ideas?
ImageStat module is THE answer! Thanks Aaron. I use ImageStat.var to get the variance and it works perfectly.
Here is my piece of code:
from PIL import Image, ImageStat
def is_monochromatic_image(src):
v = ImageStat.Stat(Image.open(src)).var
return reduce(lambda x, y: x and y < MONOCHROMATIC_MAX_VARIANCE, v, True)
Try the ImageStat module. If the values returned by extrema
are the same, you have only a single color in the image.