I'm working with ARKit / SceneKit and I'm trying to have an arrow point to an arbitrary position I set in the world, but I'm having a bit of trouble. In my sceneView I have a scene set up to load in my arrow.
override func viewDidLoad() {
// Set the view's delegate
sceneView.delegate = self
guard let arrowScene = SCNScene(named: "art.scnassets/arrowScene.scn") else {
fatalError("Scene arrow.scn not found")
let worldAnchor = ARAnchor(name: "World Anchor", transform: simd_float4x4(1))
sceneView.session.add(anchor: worldAnchor)
sceneView.scene = (arrowScene)
I wish to then use SCNNode.look(at:)
to point my arrow at the specified anchor, however, I am unsure how to get this to occur every frame. I know that I have access to special delegates provided by ARSCNView
such as renderer(willUpdate node:)
, but I am unsure how to use these when the anchor is not changing positions whereas the arrow is.
Thanks for the help!
You could do so by using the updateAtTime
delegate function, but I strongly recommend you to use a SCNConstraint.
let lookAtConstraint = SCNLookAtConstraint(target: myLookAtNode)
lookAtConstraint.isGimbalLockEnabled = true // useful for cameras, probably also for your arrow.
// in addition you can use a position constraint
let positionConstraint = SCNReplicatorConstraint(target: myLookAtNode)
positionConstraint.positionOffset = yourOffsetSCNVector3
positionConstraint.replicatesOrientation = false
positionConstraint.replicatesScale = false
positionConstraint.replicatesPosition = true
// then add the constraints to your arrow node
arrowNode.constraints = [lookAtConstraint, positionConstraint ]
This will automatically adjust your node for each rendered frame.