I'm working with the twilio-node
pkg and there's the fetch
lookupResponse = await twilioClient.lookups.v1.phoneNumbers('+123').fetch({type: 'carrier'});
with a clearly defined return type, Promise<PhoneNumberInstance>
. Since I'm initializing the lookupResponse
beforehand, I'd like to extract / infer the function's return type straightaway.
Now, I already know how to unwrap a promise's type:
export type ThenArg<T> = T extends PromiseLike<infer U> ? U : T;
But how do I specify the argument of the previously chained phoneNumbers
Trying this:
let lookupResponse: ThenArg<
ReturnType<typeof twilioClient.lookups.v1.phoneNumbers.fetch>
throws Property 'fetch' does not exist on type 'PhoneNumberListInstance'
What do I need to pass here?
let lookupResponse: ThenArg<
ReturnType<typeof twilioClient.lookups.v1.phoneNumbers.???.fetch>
// ^^^
I know nothing about Twilio so apologies in advance if I steer you the wrong way, but based on your code, phoneNumbers
is a function, not just a property. So you need the return type of the fetch
function that's on the return type of twilioClient.lookups.v1.phoneNumbers
. Something like:
type LookupResponseType = ThenArg<
typeof twilioClient["lookups"]["v1"]["phoneNumbers"]