This is the problem. I have a booking table. It's properties are as follows
The path table is as follows
the car table
I have a Laravel application where the booking details need to be displayed. The models have the relations described as
BookingDetails model:
public function car()
return $this->belongsTo(Car::class);
public function path()
return $this->belongsTo(Path::class);
The controller gets the details with,
I know I can use an if statement with the above and get the car plate number. But is there a way I can get it with relations in Laravel?
I think you have failed to improvise here. Did you try this?
Assuming what you need is the car plate number,
You could,
$details = BookingDetails:with('route')->get();
in the blade,
Check this and reply. And don't forget to mark as answer if found useful.