Since 3D convolution requires too much computational cost, so I prefer to use 2D conv. My motivation here is using 2D conv for volumetric images to reduce this cost.
I want to apply 2D convolution along three orthogonals to get 3 results, each belongs to one of these orthogonals. More clearly, suppose I have a 3D volumetric image. Instead of apply 3D conv, I want to use 2D conv both xy, xz, yz axis. Then, I expect that 3 different volumetric results. Each result represent three different orthogonals.
Is there way to do that? Thanks for help.
You can permute your images. (Some frameworks such as numpy
calls it transpose
Assume we use 3 x 3
a convolutional kernel.
# A batch of 16 3 channel images (channels first)
a = tensor(shape=[16,3,1920,1080])
# 2D conv will slide over a `1920 x 1080` image, kernel size is `3 x 3 x 3`
a.shape is (16,3,1920,1080)
# 2D conv will slide over a `3 x 1080` image, kernel size is `1920 x 3 x 3`
a.shape is (16,1920,3,1080)
# 2D conv will slide over a `1920 x 3` image, kernel size is `1080 x 3 x 3`
a.shape is (16,1080,1920,3)