I'm trying to use the ohai
resource to make node['etc']['passwd']
available. My recipe looks like this:
ohai 'reload etc plugin' do
plugin 'etc'
action :reload
log "Was etc plugin reloaded? #{node.key?('etc')}"
According to this answer this should work. But:
* log[Was etc plugin reloaded? false] action write
What am I doing wrong?
This is with
Chef Infra Client: 17.0.242
Ohai: 17.0.42
the following is noted on Reload Ohai after a new user is created in chef examples
ohai 'reload_passwd' do
plugin 'etc'
and as you probably know, ohai does not load by the default](chef release notes) the Passwd
combining both with the ohai resource, and since the first snippet did not work for you, maybe the following will do the trick
ohai 'reload_passwd' do
plugin 'passwd'
UPDATE: it seems that the version you specified had many issues. i suggest you will update chef version.