In my gitlab-ci.yml, I have an SSH connection to another server, all my command are working except the git commands
They block the script with the message:
WARNING: terminal is not fully functional
- (press RETURN)
and my script is blocked
My code in gitlab-ci :
allow_failure: false
- ssh -tt root@1IP 'cd PATH; git branch;docker run -it -v $PWD:PATH -w /PATH cypress/included:6.5.0 | tee result.txt'
Without the git command, it's work.
Of course, in my remote server, git branch work's fine.
Any ideas ?
Thanks :) :)
That is an error message coming from less
, used as a pager by Git, as I documented here.
git config --global core.pager "less -d"; git branch; ... (rest of the commands)
The -d
option (from less
man page) option suppresses the error message normally displayed if the terminal is dumb;