I created a flask addon using "flask fab create-addon".
I would like to change the template appbuilder/general/security/login_oauth.html so I have:
But when I load the host application my version of login_oauth.html is not loaded. I tried registering a blueprint as in this post with the following code:
from flask import Blueprint
bp = Blueprint('fab_addon_fslogin', __name__, template_folder='templates')
class MyAddOnManager(BaseManager):
def __init__(self, appbuilder):
Use the constructor to setup any config keys specific for your app.
super(MyAddOnManager, self).__init__(appbuilder)
self.appbuilder.get_app.config.setdefault("MYADDON_KEY", "SOME VALUE")
def register_views(self):
This method is called by AppBuilder when initializing, use it to add you views
def pre_process(self):
def post_process(self):
But register_blueprint(bp) return:
File "/home/cquiros/data/projects2017/personal/software/superset/addons/fab_addon_fslogin/fab_addon_fslogin/manager.py", line 24, in __init__
File "/home/cquiros/data/projects2017/personal/software/superset/env_superset/lib/python3.8/site-packages/Flask_AppBuilder-3.3.0-py3.8.egg/flask_appbuilder/base.py", line 643, in register_blueprint
AttributeError: 'Blueprint' object has no attribute 'create_blueprint'
Not much information out there on how to do this. Any clue is appreciated
If you want to customize login_oauth.html
, The easiest way is that adding it into your app directly not addon.
That means the login_oauth.html
should be put in this path.
- app
-- templates
--- appbuilder
---- general
----- security
------ login_oauth.html
For solution of addons, the function self.appbuilder.register_blueprint
is for views not for the object which Blueprint
fuction returns. It should be replaced with
self.appbuilder.get_app.register_blueprint(Blueprint('fab_addon_fslogin', __name__, template_folder='templates'))
Keep the blueprint registration and
try to rename the login_oauth.html
to login_oauth_xxxx.html
which at
{your python packages root path}\site-packages\flask_appbuilder\templates\appbuilder\general\security
That will let the template be overwrote as you need. I guess that the template searching order of app-builder package is greater than addons. The searching order of blueprints depend on order of registrations
Finally, I have found a trick without renaming the file, you could try the following
class MyAddOnManager(BaseManager):
def __init__(self, appbuilder):
Use the constructor to setup any config keys specific for your app.
super(MyAddOnManager, self).__init__(appbuilder)
self.appbuilder.get_app.config.setdefault('MYADDON_KEY', 'SOME VALUE')
self.static_bp = Blueprint('fab_addon_fslogin', __name__, template_folder='templates')
def register_views(self):
This method is called by AppBuilder when initializing, use it to add you views
def pre_process(self):
blueprint_order = self.appbuilder.get_app._blueprint_order
# move blueprint order of addon to top
blueprint_order.insert(0, blueprint_order.pop())
def post_process(self):
Reference: flask-appbuilder Customizing