I have 3 tables like
actor_id: "1"
first_name: "Penelope"
last_name: "Guiness"
film_id: "1"
title: "ABC"
film_id: "1"
actor_id: "22"
I want to get movies (title) starring by an actor, like
actor_id: "1"
title: {"ABC", "DEF", "GHI"}
in this case I have not been able to get it, what I just achieved is only aggregation based on 2 collections like:
db.actor.aggregate ([
$ lookup:
from: 'film_actor',
localField: 'actor_id',
foreignField: 'actor_id',
as: 'film_id'
} }
First of all I think you have a data model issue there. It looks like a SQL database and that's not the idea of using mongo.
But if you want to do it anyway you should do:
$lookup: {
from: "film_actor", // the collection you are trying to match
localField: "actor_id",
foreignField: "actor_id",
as: "film_actor"
$lookup: {
from: "films", // the collection you are trying to match
localField: "film_actor.film_id", // or '$film_actor.actor_id' if it does not work
foreignField: "film_id",
as: "film"
$group: {
_id: "$actor_id",
titles: {$push: "$film.title"}
I hope you find it useful.