I'm writing a command-line tool in Swift and I want to get some user input. I'm using readLine()
for this. But I would like to add a timeout to select the default option if the user didn't respond within the time frame. Is this possible?
> Do you want to proceed? [y/n, will continue automatically in 2:00]: _
(Bonus points for actually updating the remaining time in the prompt. 😉)
Not the prettiest Swift code, but it does the job. aio (asynchronous input output) low level system API in raw terminal mode https://stackoverflow.com/a/59795707/5329717 is used to read user input without pressing enter.
We're doing multiple reads using aio_read
(paired by following aio_return
) because the user may be inputting keys we don't want.
Since Xcode debug console isn't a standard console please run this in a standalone terminal.
The only caveat I've run into with this code is in the scenario when time runs out aio_read
sets terminal standard input into still expecting user input (e.g. enter key for the shell to appear again). I'll be trying to circumvent this problem.
import Foundation
// https://stackoverflow.com/a/59000106/5329717
extension TimeInterval{
func stringFromTimeInterval() -> String {
let time = NSInteger(self)
let seconds = time % 60
let minutes = (time / 60) % 60
let hours = (time / 3600)
var formatString = ""
if hours == 0 {
if(minutes < 10) {
formatString = "%2d:%0.2d"
} else {
formatString = "%0.2d:%0.2d"
return String(format: formatString,minutes,seconds)
} else {
formatString = "%2d:%0.2d:%0.2d"
return String(format: formatString,hours,minutes,seconds)
// https://stackoverflow.com/a/59795707/5329717
extension FileHandle {
func enableRawMode() -> termios {
var raw = termios()
tcgetattr(self.fileDescriptor, &raw)
let original = raw
raw.c_lflag &= ~UInt(ECHO | ICANON)
tcsetattr(self.fileDescriptor, TCSADRAIN, &raw)
return original
func restoreRawMode(originalTerm: termios) {
var term = originalTerm
tcsetattr(self.fileDescriptor, TCSADRAIN, &term)
let bufferForReadSize = 100
var bufferForRead: UnsafeMutableRawPointer = UnsafeMutableRawPointer.allocate(byteCount: bufferForReadSize, alignment: 1)
//Give the user slightly bit more than 2 minutes so that the 2:00 countdown initial value can be seen
let endTime = Date().addingTimeInterval(TimeInterval(exactly: 120.5)!)
//struct for using aio_ calls
var aio: aiocb = aiocb(aio_fildes: FileHandle.standardInput.fileDescriptor,
aio_offset: 0,
aio_buf: bufferForRead,
aio_nbytes: bufferForReadSize,
aio_reqprio: 0,
aio_sigevent: sigevent(),
aio_lio_opcode: 0)
var userChoice: Bool?
let originalTermios = FileHandle.standardInput.enableRawMode()
withUnsafeMutablePointer(to: &aio) {
while userChoice == nil {
let timeLeft = endTime.timeIntervalSince(Date())
print("\u{1B}[A" + //rewind to previous line +
"Hello, World? (y/n)" + timeLeft.stringFromTimeInterval())
let inputString = String(cString: bufferForRead.bindMemory(to: Int8.self, capacity: bufferForReadSize))
if inputString.starts(with: "y") || inputString.starts(with: "Y") {
userChoice = true
} else if inputString.starts(with: "n") || inputString.starts(with: "N") {
userChoice = false
if timeLeft <= 0 {
userChoice = true
} else {
//Async IO read
0.5, //choose the interval value depending on the fps you need
//Async IO return
FileHandle.standardInput.restoreRawMode(originalTerm: originalTermios)
userChoice! ? print("Thanks for choosing YES. Bye") : print("Thanks for choosing NO. Bye")