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Merge two arrays to multiple objects

I already have an object witch has two arrays:

const services = {
        iconAndLink: [
        name: [

I looked into Object.assign(), array.reduce(), map etc... and can't seem to find a decent answer here that merges these two.

For final result I need:

services = [
            icon: 'Icon1',
            name: 'Name1'
            icon: 'Icon2',
            name: 'Name2'
            icon: 'Icon3',
            name: 'Name3'

Note that I need to have the icon and name keys.

Is this even possible in js?


  • This should work

    const services = {
      iconAndLink: ["Icon1", "Icon2", "Icon3"],
      name: ["Name1", "Name2", "Name3"],
    let result = (icon, index) {
      return { icon: services.iconAndLink[index], name:[index] };

    Make sure both arrays same the same length and both are ordered