I have a List
of flat ViewModels
var initialList = new List<ViewModel>
new ViewModel { OuterCaption = "A outer", InnerCaption = "A inner", Caption = "E", Id = 8},
new ViewModel { OuterCaption = "B outer", InnerCaption = "B inner", Caption = "A", Id = 5},
new ViewModel { OuterCaption = "A outer", InnerCaption = "B inner", Caption = "A", Id = 12},
new ViewModel { OuterCaption = "B outer", InnerCaption = "B inner", Caption = "B", Id = 9},
new ViewModel { OuterCaption = "A outer", InnerCaption = "B inner", Caption = "B", Id = 23},
new ViewModel { OuterCaption = "B outer", InnerCaption = "C inner", Caption = "A", Id = 10},
new ViewModel { OuterCaption = "A outer", InnerCaption = "B inner", Caption = "C", Id = 16},
new ViewModel { OuterCaption = "A outer", InnerCaption = "A inner", Caption = "C", Id = 4},
new ViewModel { OuterCaption = "A outer", InnerCaption = "A inner", Caption = "D", Id = 7},
new ViewModel { OuterCaption = "C outer", InnerCaption = "A inner", Caption = "A", Id = 31},
new ViewModel { OuterCaption = "B outer", InnerCaption = "A inner", Caption = "A", Id = 19},
new ViewModel { OuterCaption = "B outer", InnerCaption = "A inner", Caption = "B", Id = 20},
new ViewModel { OuterCaption = "A outer", InnerCaption = "A inner", Caption = "A", Id = 1},
new ViewModel { OuterCaption = "A outer", InnerCaption = "A inner", Caption = "B", Id = 3}
}.OrderBy(vm => vm.OuterCaption).ThenBy(vm => vm.InnerCaption).ThenBy(vm => vm.Caption);
Where each ViewModel
is as the following.
class ViewModel
public string OuterCaption { get; set; }
public string InnerCaption { get; set; }
public string Caption { get; set; }
public int Id { get; set; }
Now I want to group the List
by the OuterCaption
and later by the InnerCaption
. I can group the List
by the OuterCaption
like this.
var list = initialList.GroupBy(vm => vm.OuterCaption).ToList();
And use it in my View
like this and use GroupBy
within my View
foreach (var outerGrouping in list)
foreach (var innerGrouping in outerGrouping.GroupBy(vm => vm.InnerCaption))
foreach (var vm in innerGrouping)
Console.WriteLine("Caption: " + vm.Caption + " Id:" + vm.Id);
But I'd like to create a IGrouping
within a IGrouping
and not use GroupBy
(or Linq
) in my View
. I do think that I should create something like IReadOnlyList<IGrouping<string, IGrouping<string, ViewModel>>>
(might be wrong) for my View
. How do I achieve this with my initialList
so I can remove Linq
from my View
Here is the example code: https://dotnetfiddle.net/hP2kxO
This is working. It's not exactly what I'm looking for but it removes Linq
from my View
var list = initialList
.GroupBy(vm => (vm.OuterCaption, ViewModel: vm))
.GroupBy(group => group.Key.ViewModel.InnerCaption)