Search code examples core 2.2 response caching, cannot add must-revalidate to cache-control response header

I am using following setup for response caching:

 services.AddMvc(options =>
                options.CacheProfiles.Add("HomePage", new CacheProfile()
                    Duration = Constants.HomePageOutputCacheInSeconds,
                    Location = ResponseCacheLocation.Any,
                    VaryByHeader = HttpCacheProfileProvider.CacheKeyHeader

                options.CacheProfiles.Add("Article", new CacheProfile()
                    Duration = Constants.ArticleOutputCacheInSeconds,
                    Location = ResponseCacheLocation.Any,
                    VaryByHeader = HttpCacheProfileProvider.CacheKeyHeader
                options.CacheProfiles.Add("Default", new CacheProfile()
                    Duration = Constants.DefaultOutputCacheInSeconds,
                    Location = ResponseCacheLocation.Any,
                    VaryByHeader = HttpCacheProfileProvider.CacheKeyHeader




And in configure section I set:


And controller:

[Route("", Name = "DesktopHome")]
[ResponseCache(CacheProfileName = "HomePage", Order = int.MaxValue)]
public async Task<IActionResult> Index()

Everything works well. Cache-Control:public, max-age:10 is appended in the headers, but I would like to set must-revalidate and max-stale-cache properties as well, and I cant find property to acomplish that.

Property is not available in the CacheProfiles setup, ResponseCacheAttribute, nor in the app.UseResponseCaching setup.

Is that possible?


  • Besides set in Cacheprofile, you can directly use Response to set them in action:

        public async Task<IActionResult> Index()
            Response.GetTypedHeaders().CacheControl = new CacheControlHeaderValue()
                Public = true,
                MaxAge = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(600),
                MustRevalidate = true,
                MaxStale = true
            return View();

    enter image description here

    Or you can check Response Caching Middleware in official site.