I am using node-postgres and attempting to use to_timestamp and receive the error:
ReferenceError: to_timestamp is not defined
Here is my code:
let sDate = format(parseISO(myStartDate),'dd/MM/yyyy')
let sTime = format(parseISO(myStartTime), 'HH:mm:ss')
let sDateTime = `${sDate} ${sTime}`
let eDate = format(parseISO(myEndDate),'dd/MM/yyyy')
let eTime = format(parseISO(MyEndTime), 'HH:mm:ss')
let eDateTime = `${eDate} ${eTime}`
console.log(sDate, sTime, sDateTime)
console.log(eDate, eTime, eDateTime)
data = await pool.query(
"INSERT INTO my_table (window_start, window_end ) VALUES($1, $2) RETURNING data_id",
[ to_timestamp(sDateTime,'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'), to_timestamp(eDateTime,'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') ]
Here is my console output:
25/05/2021 19:56:40 25/05/2021 19:56:40
25/05/2021 19:56:40 25/05/2021 19:56:40
but then errors with ReferenceError: to_timestamp is not defined
Please note that my table columns for both window_start and window_end are of type timestamp
Any ideas please?
The parameters are not interpolated into the SQL statement, but the to_timestamp
function is executed in Javascript, which causes the error.
Use something like
data = await pool.query(
"INSERT INTO my_table (window_start, window_end) VALUES (to_timestamp($1, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'), to_timestamp($2, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') RETURNING data_id",
[ sDateTime, eDateTime ]