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How to sort coordinates in python in a clockwise direction

I have some coordinate points as list which are sorted firstly based on the x and then y values. I tried this solution and also this one but it did not work for me. This is a simplified set of my points:


I want to resort them in a clockwise angle. My fig clearly shows it. I start from the first point (it is (0,0) here) and put other point which have the same x value but their y is higher. Then, I go for the points that their x values is 1 and sort from higher y values to lower ones. After point (1,1) I have two points with the same y and I pick first the point with higher x. Finally I want to to have my sorted list as:


I do appreciate any help in advance. enter image description here


  • from math import atan2
    def argsort(seq):
        #by unutbu
        # from Boris Gorelik
        return sorted(range(len(seq)), key=seq.__getitem__)
    def rotational_sort(list_of_xy_coords, centre_of_rotation_xy_coord, clockwise=True):
        angles = [atan2(x-cx, y-cy) for x,y in list_of_xy_coords]
        indices = argsort(angles)
        if clockwise:
            return [list_of_xy_coords[i] for i in indices]
            return [list_of_xy_coords[i] for i in indices[::-1]]
    rotational_sort(points, (0,0),True)
    [[0.0, 0.0],
    [0.0, 1.0],
    [1.0, 3.0],
    [1.0, 2.0],
    [1.0, 1.0],
    [1.0, 0.0],
    [2.0, 0.0]]

    Notice the last two points have the same angle from the centre, so it's a toss up to say which one should come first.

    If you wanted to force closer points to be first, or last in this situation, you could include a secondary metric (say distance) to be included in the thing to be sorted.

    e.g. augment the angles list with something that includes a distance value - maybe something like:

    polar_coords = [(atan2(x-cx, y-cy), ((x-cx)**2)+((y-cy)**2)) for x,y in list_of_xy_coords]

    Which returns the polar coordinates (angle,distance) of the points, which if you then sorted, should resolve these magnitude-tie-breaks in a consistent fashion.

    P.S. Credit where it's due - @Diego Palacios's atan2 is precisely the thing to convert from cartesian pairs to angles, there's probably a more tidy way to do the magnitude part of my second calculation along those lines too. I've also "borrowed" a useful argsort function here from an answer to this helpful discussion: Equivalent of Numpy.argsort() in basic python? courtesy of @Boris Gorelik