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Adding different animations to existing mixamo FBX models three.js

I have copied code for loading an animation (dancing twerk from mixamo) onto an existing fbx model (Douglas from mixamo) from the tutorial here but it does not work, as SimonDev uses version 118 of three.js whilst I am using version 128.

const loader = new FBXLoader();
//load model
loader.load('Douglas.fbx', (fbx) => {
    //scale the model down
  fbx.traverse(c => {
    c.castShadow = true;
  //animate character
  const anim = new FBXLoader();
  anim.load('Twerk.fbx', (anim) => {

    this.walkMixer = new THREE.AnimationMixer(anim);

    //creates animation action
    const walk = this.walkMixer.clipAction(anim.animations[0]);;


This is in my update function

        if (this.walkMixer) {

The animation worked previously when it was the same model with the animation, and with gltf, but I am trying to separate the model and animation, so that I can apply different animations from mixamo. My code does not load the animation at all and he simply stands in a T-pose. I do not know what the current code for loading a separate animation from mixamo onto a current fbx model is. I would like to know how, as I would like to load and play multiple animations onto the same model.


  • I managed to sort it out-> it was due to me having multiple imports of three.js