example = {'good':[1,2],'bad':[5,10],'great':[9,4]}
example2 = {'good':2,'bad':3}
I want to multiply the list values by the integers for the matching keys and create a new dictionary, so I should get:
example3 = {'good':[2,4],'bad':[15,30]}
How can I do this? I have tried:
example3 = {k:example.get(k) * example2.get(k) for k in set(example) & set(example2)}
but the output is:{'bad': [5, 10, 5, 10, 5, 10], 'good': [1, 2, 1, 2]}
The problem I have is how to multiply the list values by integers.
Your code is duplicating every corresponding list (values) in example1 as many times as the values in example2.
Your code is similar to:
>>>>two_items = ["A","B"]
>>>>number = [3]
>>>>result = two_items*number[0]
['A', 'B', 'A', 'B', 'A', 'B']
To make this clear, it works like string multiplication:
>>>>my_string="Hello "
>>>>print(my_string * number[0])
Hello Hello Hello
What you need to do is to iterate through each items in the list and multiply it by a given number, as following:
>>>>for num in two_numbers:
>>>> x =num * number[0]
>>>> result.append(x)
[3, 6]
Given the above, your code should look like that:
example3 = {}
for key in example2.keys():
temp =[]
for item in example[key]: