I'm trying to simplify usage of pybind11 when binding templates.
For now I have a parameter pack of types and I need to call a function cl.def()
(look at the code below) with each type from that parameter pack. Also there is a vector of names and each name corresponds to parameter's pack type. Here is an example:
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <iterator>
namespace py {
template <typename T>
class class_ {
template <typename R, typename ...Args>
class_ & def(char const *, R (T::*)(Args...)) {
return *this;
} // py
template <typename ...>
struct tl{};
template <typename T>
struct type_identity {
using type = T;
template <typename T>
static T deduce(type_identity<T>);
template <
typename Apply
, typename T
, typename ...Inst
void class_group_def(
Apply &&func,
py::class_<T> & cl,
char const * func_name_py,
std::string func_name_py_str(func_name_py);
remove(func_name_py_str.begin(), func_name_py_str.end(), ' '); // remove spaces
std::stringstream ss(func_name_py_str);
std::vector<std::string> func_name_py_str_vec;
std::string token;
while (std::getline(ss, token, ';')) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof...(Inst); i++){
// I need to call `cl.def` with every `Inst` corresponding to `func_name_py_str_vec[i]`
(cl.def(func_name_py_str_vec[i].c_str(), func(type_identity<T>{}, type_identity<Inst>{})),...);
class A {
template <typename T>
void write() { }
#define CLASS_GROUP_DEF(class_name, func_name_c, func_name_py, ...) \
class_group_def( \
[](auto f1, auto f2) { \
return &decltype(deduce(f1))::template func_name_c<decltype(deduce(f2))>; \
} \
, class_name \
, #func_name_py \
, tl<__VA_ARGS__>{} \
int main() {
py::class_<A> myClass;
// names are divided by semicolon ;
CLASS_GROUP_DEF(myClass, write, writeInt;writeChar, int, float);
In for loop I think I need to iterate over types. As I call this function with only two types now (int
and float
) loop may be unwrapped to something like (this snippet of code aims to describe what I'm trying to achieve):
cl.def(func_name_py_str_vec[0].c_str(), func(type_identity<T>{}, type_identity<Inst[0]>{}));
cl.def(func_name_py_str_vec[1].c_str(), func(type_identity<T>{}, type_identity<Inst[1]>{}));
Is there a way to solve my task (i.e. pass elements from parameter pack alongside other variable corresponding to each of them)?
Don't use a macro for this. Visiting a list of types is fairly straightforward with basic-ish partial specialization:
#include <iostream>
// This will only ever be used for Visitor<> because of the next specialization.
// So it serves as the "recursion" stop condition.
template<typename... Ts>
struct Visitor {
template<typename T>
static void visit(T& v) {}
// This will match any type list with at least one type.
template<typename First, typename... Rest>
struct Visitor<First, Rest...> {
template<typename T>
static void visit(T& v) {
// make use of First as the "current" type.
v.template visit<First>();
// "recurse" for the rest of the types
struct Handler {
template<typename T>
void visit() {
std::cout << typeid(T).name() << "\n";
int main() {
Handler handler;
Visitor<int, float, char>::visit(handler);
There's probably also a terse way to do it using a fold expression. But this is simple enough, and is compatible with older (C++11) versions of the standard as well.