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AdvancedFilter to exclude multiple criteria in Excel VBA

I've been trying to use VBA's advanced filter method to exclude a set of criteria. Here is a simplified example.

enter image description here

My criteria are stored in the worksheet "Criteria", as such.

enter image description here

I now want to filter the data, such that any entry containing the name "Joe" OR the job "Pilot" are excluded. I have tried the following:

Sub filter_data()
 With Worksheets("Data")
  .Range("A1:C10").AdvancedFilter _
  Action:= xlFilterInPlace, _
  CriteriaRange:= Worksheets("Criteria").Range("A1:C3")
 End With
End Sub

I checked if my code filters the data if I don't use the <> operator. This worked like a charm and included only entries containing "Joe" OR "Pilot". However, excluding the said entries does not work. Can anybody help?


  • Since you are looking for the negative you want AND not Or.

    Then in A2 put: <>Joe

    Then in C2 put: <>Pilot

    So it looks like this:

    enter image description here

    Then change the reference to only the two rows:

    Sub filter_data()
        With Worksheets("Data")
            .Range("A1:C10").AdvancedFilter _
            Action:=xlFilterInPlace, _
        End With
    End Sub

    enter image description here