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Why will my pyinstaller executables not work?

I code in PyCharm and went into C:\Users\MyUser\PyCharmProjects\MyFile and from there went into cmd in that directory, executed pyinstaller --onefile -w This worked perfect. I grabbed my main.exe from dist and put it into MyFile and executed it but upon doing so it brought up the following error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 2, in <module>
    from pynput.mouse import Controller, Button
  File "PyInstaller\loader\", line 540, in exec_module
  File "pynput\", line 40, in <module>
  File "PyInstaller\loader\", line 540, in exec_module
  File "pynput\keyboard\, line 31, in <module>
  File "pynput\_util\", line 76, in backend
[4752] Failed to execute script main

The purpose of my code is to move around your mouse rapidly until you hold down a, b, and c. Just a fun practical joke. Here is a copy of it:

import keyboard
from pynput.mouse import Controller, Button
import random
import tkinter as tk
root = tk.Tk()
mouse = Controller()
screen_width = root.winfo_screenwidth()
screen_height = root.winfo_screenheight()
while True:
    xVar = random.randint(0, screen_width)
    yVar = random.randint(0, screen_height)
    mouse.position = (xVar, yVar)
    if keyboard.is_pressed("a") and keyboard.is_pressed("b") and keyboard.is_pressed("c"):

I've honestly tried everything. I can't figure out what is going wrong with it. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!


  • You have to add --hidden-import="pynput.keyboard._win32" --hidden-import "pynput.mouse._win32", so pyinstaller can include the backend that pynput uses. So something like:

    pyinstaller --hidden-import="pynput.keyboard._win32" --hidden-import="pynput.mouse._win32"

    You can also add this to your spec file.

    hiddenimports=["pynput.keyboard._win32", "pynput.mouse._win32"]

    If you are using macOS then replace '_win32' with '_darwin' and if linux, replace with '_xorg'.

    The other method is to fallback to a previous version which is not recommended, but just incase you want it. First pip uninstall pynput then:

    pip install pynput==1.6.8