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Write request content into CSV file python code

I am fetching data from dashboard as json file using the following code:

parameter = {
"access_token": 'ABCD',
r = requests.get(url = ursl, params = parameter) 

then I save the content as json file then write it to a CSV file:

# opening the csv file in 'w+' mode
file = open('DaTA.csv', 'w+')
# writing the data into the file
with file:    
    write = csv.writer(file)

But I get all my data in one cell only. This is a snapshot of the data:

{'date': {'_when': '2021-05-25', '_date': '2021-05-25T00:00:00.000Z'}, 'timeInterval': '1min', 'userId': '96K7D9', 'id': '60ac1401211c48001774aa3b', 'activities-heart': [{'customHeartRateZones': [], 'dateTime': '2021-05-25', 'heartRateZones': [{'caloriesOut': 993.8944, 'max': 115, 'min': 30, 'minutes': 1067, 'name': 'Out of Range'}, {'caloriesOut': 0, 'max': 142, 'min': 115, 'minutes': 0, 'name': 'Fat Burn'}, {'caloriesOut': 0, 'max': 175, 'min': 142, 'minutes': 0, 'name': 'Cardio'}, {'caloriesOut': 0, 'max': 220, 'min': 175, 'minutes': 0, 'name': 'Peak'}], 'value': '65.31'}], 'activities-heart-intraday': 
{'dataset': [{'time': '00:45:00', 'value': 62}, {'time': '00:46:00', 'value': 61}, {'time': '00:47:00', 'value': 61}, {'time': '00:48:00', 'value': 59}, {'time': '00:49:00', 'value': 59}

do you have any suggestion, as I want the data to be tow columns time and value, starting from the dataset word.


  • I'm not sure if csv writer allows you to do what you need without looping through line by line. Maybe use pandas instead?

    import pandas as pd
    df = pd.DataFrame(datajson['activities-heart-intraday']['dataset'])
    df.to_csv("data.csv", index=False)