I'm using official mongodb driver for c# in my test project and i've already insert document from c# web application to mongodb. In mongo console, db.blog.find() can display entries I've inserted. but when i tried to retrieve them, .net throw a exception
"System.InvalidOperationException: ReadString can only be called when CurrentBsonType is String, not when CurrentBsonType is ObjectId."
my entity class is very simple
namespace MongoDBTest
public class Blog
public String _id
public String Title
and this is my retrieve code
public List<Blog> List()
MongoCollection collection = md.GetCollection<Blog>("blog");
MongoCursor<Blog> cursor = collection.FindAllAs<Blog>();
return cursor.ToList();
can anybody help me out? thanks!
I suppose you just need mark your blog Id with BsonId
(and insert id yourself) attribute:
public class Blog
public String Id {get;set;}
public String Title{get;set;}
And all should be okay. Issue was because you not marked what field will be Mongodb _id and driver generated _id field with type ObjectId. And when driver trying deserialize it back he can't convert ObjectId to String.
Complete example:
MongoCollection collection = md.GetCollection<Blog>("blog");
var blog = new Blog(){Id = ObjectId.GenerateNewId().ToString(),
Title = "First Blog"};
collection .Insert(blog);
MongoCursor<Blog> cursor = collection.FindAllAs<Blog>();
var list = cursor.ToList();