I want to use a Mac mini as a server. So I've installed tomcat and I want it to start automatically when booting. On Windows this is called a "services". I'm new to Mac OS but I read that this is a plist file in the /Library/LaunchDaemon folder.
So I found following link: https://gist.github.com/661713 I copied the files and inserted the correct paths.
But when I try to launch
launchctl load /Library/LaunchDaemons/org.apache.tomcat.plist
I get the following errors:
launchctl: no plist was returned for: /Library/LaunchDaemons/org.apache.tomcat.plist
launchctl: no plist was returned for: /Library/LaunchDaemons/org.apache.tomcat.plist
nothing found to load
I noticed I'm completely new to Mac. So changing the extension name of a file doesn't really mean to change the filetype :)
I wrote the plist with textedit, but it wasn't a "true" plist. So I created a plist with the property list editor and the error disappeared.