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Why my bind event Return in tkinter is not working? (python)

from tkinter import *

main_window = Tk ()

main_window.title("Register Form")

frame = Frame (main_window)

l_name = Label (frame, text = "Name:")
e_name = Entry (frame)
e_name.grid(row = 0, column = 1)

def show_welcome_message(event):
    l_welcome = Label (frame, text = "Welcome, {}".format(e_name.get()))
    l_welcome.grid(row =2, columnspan =2)
    e_name.delete(0,END) #apaga o conteúdo de qualquqer entre box
button = Button(frame, text = "Ok")
button.bind("<Return>", show_welcome_message) #<Button-1> comando de clicar com o botão esquerdo do mouse
button.grid(row=1, columnspan =2)


A run the code, type the text and press Enter but the welcome message is not apearing.Why this is not working?


  • Your button needs to have the focus to receive key events. you can set focus to your button to check this. (button.focus())

    But I think you should be binding <Return> to Entry and not the button if you want to show the label when Enter key is pressed after completing the entry.

    e_name = Entry (frame)
    e_name.grid(row = 0, column = 1)
    def show_welcome_message(event=None):
        l_welcome = Label (frame, text = "Welcome, {}".format(e_name.get()))
        l_welcome.grid(row =2, columnspan =2)
        e_name.delete(0,END) #apaga o conteúdo de qualquqer entre box
    button = Button(frame, text = "Ok", command=show_welcome_message)
    e_name.bind("<Return>", show_welcome_message) 
    #<Button-1> comando de clicar com o botão esquerdo do mouse
    button.grid(row=1, columnspan =2)