A certain site I know recently upgraded their bandwith from 2,5 TB monthly to 3,5 TB.
Reason is they went over the 2,5 limit recently. They're complaining they don't know how to get down the bandwidth usage.
One thing I haven't seen them consider is the fact that JPEG and other images that are displayed on the site(and it is an image-heavy site) can contain metadata. Where the picture was taken and such.
Fact of the matter is, this information is of no importance whatsoever on that site. It's not gonna be used, ever. Yet it's still adding to the bandwidth, since it increases the filesize of every images from a few bytes to a few kilobytes.
On a site that uses up more then 2,5 TB per month, stripping the several thousands images of their metadata will help decrease the bandwidth usage at least by a few Gigabytes per month I think, if not more.
So is there a way to do this in PHP? And also, for the allready existing files, does anybody know a good automatic metadata remover? I know of JPEG & PNG Stripper, but that's not very good... Might be usefull for initial cleaning though...
Check out Smush.it! It will strip all un-necs info from an image. They have an API you can use to crunch the images.
Note: By Design, it may change the filetype on you. This is on purpose. If another filetype can display the same image with the same quality, with less bytes it will give you a new file.